Category: strategy

  • Music Clouds, Portability, and Graduated Response

    Clouds look like bad news to me. Instead of the greater efficiency of shared resources it looks to me like they are all attempts to inflate switching costs and achieve higher profitability, at the expense of efficiency and consumer value. Remarkable though how Silicon Valley rehabilitates a metaphor of the formerly unwelcome, and endows it…

  • Fix The Market, Not Copyright Law

    The UK Government has announced another review into IP under Professor Ian Hargreaves; does it or does it not, on balance, generate the optimal amount of GDP growth and jobs? The UK is, relatively, a major creative power, being a net exporter of music, and not doing too badly in areas like computer games, advertising, media…

  • Online Piracy the Greatest Threat to… Pirates!

    Just reading through the documents from WIPO’s December meeting of the Advisory Committee on Enforcement, and in particular looking at price comparisons between the retail versions and the pirate versions of CDs and DVDs. One thing stood out to me, that these products are very highly valued by people, no matter how they manage to acquire…

  • Don’t Trust the Music Cloud

    The skies in Cannes this year have been a painfully perfect blue for almost all of MIDEM. The only clouds have been the latest crap that passes for strategy from the music industry. I am with Larry on the cloud. [youtube] Given that just about every digital music exec who wants to keep his…